Saturday 8 October 2011

When a child is returned home after care

A child being apprehended is  not given notice, is not given choice, is not given options. A child being taken from their natural parents will be taken forcefully and again their will. Parents have well documented and put on video doors being bust down by police and screaming children being ripped away from loving and emotional parents. A child being taken and placed with strangers never ever forgets that moment. A parent who is surprised and devastated lives in fear.
Sometimes a child is returned home, not often enough but sometimes they are. CAS realizes that they made a rash decision or a court orders a child to be sent back to the natural parents. Whatever the case it does happen.
No the parent is not allowed to storm into the foster home and rescue their child. No the parent is not reunited with their child right away. At this point we do not want to traumatize the child. CAS will start with more visitation, then unsupervised visitation and finally over night visits. This is a slow process and does not happen over night.
I would truly love to hear the reasoning behind this sort of torture. You can not tell me that it is O.K. to rip a child away and place them with strangers, to move them from foster home to foster home without warning. No slow process in the name of the child is taken then, only when it applies to the natural parent.
I`m finding it very hard to see how this puts a family first. I have yet to find evidence to support this claim with any agency.

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