Friday 14 October 2011

Alberta Judge Allows ID of baby who died in care!

This is a day of celebration. This is most likely the first day in months that Jamie Sullivan has felt heard.
An Alberta Judge has allowed this mother to speak of her daughter and show her picture, something she was forbidden to do. As we are all well aware CAS does not allow this sort of information to be made public. Putting a face or name to an incident`might prove harmful to child protection agencies.
We might actually see how well taken care of this baby once was, before being abused and before her untimely death.
I can not help but hope that this brings even greater awareness into the corrupt child protection system that we currently have.
We are crying out for public awareness, together we may just achieve this. My hats off to this fighter of a mother!!
I leave now with one final thought, do unto others as you`d have done to you.

Alberta Judge allows ID of baby who died in care

Thursday 13 October 2011

A baby taken without cause dies 6 days later.

On April 5th, 2011 an RCMP officer and two social workers entered a home to apprehend two children. Another mother was there (a room mate to the first mother), as an after thought the workers took her baby as well. No complaint, no investigation, just took her away.
6 days later the baby died of child abuse. Days before that the mother and grandmother showed concerns about her well being. They were informed that a doctor`s appointment would be made on the Monday after if there was still a problem.
The baby died on Monday. An inquest has been made, answers are not forthcoming. The mother was informed of her daughters death hours after the fact. This mother now lives with the fact that her daughter was abused, suffered and most likely died of dehydration. This grandmother who would have been a perfect placement for this baby will never see her granddaughter again.
This baby was not placed with family, this baby was thrown to a foster home. This foster home will not be charged or investigated. CAS will not be accountable or held responsible.
This will be another child death forgotten......or not.
The mother and grandmother of this baby are fighting and fighting hard. They want the publication ban lifted so they may speak freely of this death. They want answers, they are rallying and informing the public of this injustice.
Please read more below.

Baby`s death
Grandmother questions foster care death

Monday 10 October 2011

To return to parent......

This seems to be in the court documents submitted by MCFD, court date set for October 19th. I have already written about the gradual return of children to biological parents, we already know this to be nothing more then a stall tactic. More money, more time ,more court dates.
I would like to address the fact that a financial statement is not submitted to the parent or court outlining the many costs attributed to the removal of Ayn. The hospitalization of Ayn, the medicating of this small girl. The meetings and professionals brought in to do nothing more but prove a point.
I would also like to see a quoted financial statement outlining what it would cost the tax payers to have kept this little girl at home while bringing in the help or respite needed!
I can not see how this is in anyone`s best interest financially, emotionally or long term. I can not find any proof dictating that this is ever a successful route to take.
Yet as I continue my research I am finding more and more families with disabled or challenged children turning to CAS or running from them. Most turning to them find out very quickly how corrupt this system is.
Turn your child over to the system and the resources needed will be put into place in a strangers home. Can`t afford what`s needed?? No problem, we`ll fund a foster home instead of you. Dental care needed?? Medical care needed?? No problem, your child will receive what`s needed in a group home or foster home after being abused and unloved.
You the parent do not get resources or help. You do not get to keep your child in a loving environment. If you want help then we the society must make money from the care of your child.
Would CAS loose Government funding if they implemented resources into a natural home?? Absolutely. This shows a decrease in CAS need and involvement.
Where exactly does the problem lay then??

Saturday 8 October 2011

When a child is returned home after care

A child being apprehended is  not given notice, is not given choice, is not given options. A child being taken from their natural parents will be taken forcefully and again their will. Parents have well documented and put on video doors being bust down by police and screaming children being ripped away from loving and emotional parents. A child being taken and placed with strangers never ever forgets that moment. A parent who is surprised and devastated lives in fear.
Sometimes a child is returned home, not often enough but sometimes they are. CAS realizes that they made a rash decision or a court orders a child to be sent back to the natural parents. Whatever the case it does happen.
No the parent is not allowed to storm into the foster home and rescue their child. No the parent is not reunited with their child right away. At this point we do not want to traumatize the child. CAS will start with more visitation, then unsupervised visitation and finally over night visits. This is a slow process and does not happen over night.
I would truly love to hear the reasoning behind this sort of torture. You can not tell me that it is O.K. to rip a child away and place them with strangers, to move them from foster home to foster home without warning. No slow process in the name of the child is taken then, only when it applies to the natural parent.
I`m finding it very hard to see how this puts a family first. I have yet to find evidence to support this claim with any agency.

52 percent of foster kids.....

52 percent of foster kids are on psychiatric drugs. Most were not on any form of medication before entering foster care. Ayn was not on any medications previous to foster care.
Do we really have all these kids sitting at home in need of medications?? I don`t believe so. I do believe that it makes it much easier to get funding and to insure kids are compliant. I`m sure foster homes have an easier time with a child on anti depressants. What a way to bandage a broken system. What a way to shut kids down. What a horrible life lesson.

Children`s aid is accountable to who??

It`s quite simple really, here in Ontario they are accountable to.....wait for it. No one. You can complain all you like. You can prove injustice legally all you like. They are not accountable to investigation. It does not matter what they do. Very simply there are steps you can take according to CAS.
1) First make a complaint with the manager in charge, basically the actual Social worker. The in take workers are not social workers, they report to a superior.
2) If that goes no where you can then fill out a complaint form and sent it in to a review panel for investigation. This review panel consists of members of Children`s aid societies.

Here is one Children`s aid societies process here in Ontario. I think I basically summed it up without all the silly jargon that might make you think it`s otherwise legit.
Client Complaint Process

That`s about the end of the road as far as a complaint department goes. You can send letters off to the Queen for all they care, no member of Parliament will get involved. No one will investigate or right the wrongs.

So why exactly would the Government NOT vote in a bill that would make CAS agencies accountable to a outside agency? Ombudsman oversight is desperately needed here in Ontario. The bill has been voted on twice in the past few years. The liberals have voted against it twice now. To much to hide?? I wonder.

View below.

Who oversees Children`s aid societies in Ontario?

Friday 7 October 2011

Lori Pynn

So many families to speak of, so many children to speak for. One has to be crazy not to get involved on some level. Least it be you one day.
I have been in so many chat rooms and still find myself arguing with naive people about the `good` that CAS or CPS is doing. I am still seeing comments of `well if nothing was wrong she wouldn`t have lost her children`. Least we forget nothing needs to be wrong, the only thing that has to happen is a phone call. An irate spouse, angry friend, a misinformed teacher. Just one call. Many workers (intake and case workers) are out of school in a year. Social service worker program is two years.
Lets think about that, basically by age 21 you can decide on the future of a family. Families are forced to reason with near teenagers who have no life experience, no children and no common sense.
This brings me to a case that I have been following for a little while. Lori Pynn. Lori lost her twins. Lori posts daily about her pain. Lori lives in a cloud of fear. Lori seems to be a wonderful witty person. She adores her children and speaks of little else. Yet her broken heart is easy to see, her tears easily heard.
Below is a story about mental health issues, dare not judge as to many people suffer from mental health issues which can be little more then anxiety. God help you if you are on anti depressants, as this to has been used as a tool against parents.
I will start with a picture of a grandmother in pain, I cried when I first viewed this picture. This is Lori`s mother saying goodbye to her grandchildren. Veil is lifted folks, extended family rarely gets custody.

Now let`s start from the start.
1) Lori Pynn gave birth to Brian and Bailey February 2009.

2) Child welfare visited Lori for the 3rd time in 2 years with allegations that she was not going to counselling appointments. Lori had her hands full and had other priorities (rightfully so). Lori had many other supports in place including family and friends.
3) The twins were born at 39.5 weeks, after staying in the hospital for 2 months Lori more then had her hands full. Her house was clean and her priority was to keep the twins from outside elements.
4) She was then accused of having emotional problems (welcome to parenthood) Of coarse she was agitated by the harassment and emotional. I would be as well.
Her twins were removed, her other children remain. I am wondering now how we can deem a parent unfit yet leave other children in the home? This certainly needs to be addressed. It is happening far to often.

I will take a quote from Lori to finish her story with:
Although the death of my Children was not Physical....i assure you, the spiritual Death is Quite Agonizing.
Child Welfare Kidnapped my children in the name of "Protection", ...The Director .. along with her Lawyer, lied to a Judge and court of law to keep/ sell? children......
I am intimidated,belittled and laughed at constantly when i fight for my babies see they left me with some of my i am told NEVER to "question this"..or else (my other children are in danger of a good ol' child welfare snatching)